What’s this all about……

The Lord gave me three words when praying about the direction of this blog. After He gave me these three words, I wrestled with the fact that they sounded cheesy and simple, but as He unfolded the more profound meaning and reminded me of how my life fits into these three words, it became clear.
Tears – I’m a crier, there that’s out in the open! Anyone that spends a short amount of time with me or hears me share knows this. There are times I try to hide my tears or apologize for them. However, I’ve learned the bittersweet moments when my tears are all I have to offer are some of the most precious times of worship. God sees all of my tears, along with all of your tears, and they are valuable to Him. “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8 NLT
Tiaras – I love all things girlie, and dressing up like a princess would probably be as much fun for me as it is for our 3-year-old little princess. She is an answered prayer and a blessing to our family through adoption. As much as I love a fairy tale, I am not speaking about this type of crown. I am talking about my headdress as the daughter of the King! This crown I don’t stand in awe of enough, don’t wear it boldly enough. I am a daughter of the Highest King, and I need to remember this even when it doesn’t feel like it, I’m his princess. If you are a daughter of the mighty King, you need to wear your crown, even if sometimes you think it doesn’t fit. “And I will be your Father, And you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” II Corinthians 6:18 NLT
Tantrums – As a mom of three, outbursts are frequent in our home. There are those moments when one or more of my children are melting down. Sometimes they need to take deep breaths, take a break, or work it out. We always need to talk, pray, and seek forgiveness after the tantrum to move forward. Oh, how much my Heavenly Father teaches me through parenting. I dig my heels in more times than I should or have a meltdown because I want my way and my timing. Or I allow someone or something to consume me and change my attitude. I need a spiritual time out to lay “it” at His feet. Thankfully My Savior lets me come to Him and receive His forgiveness and grace. It’s readily available for you and me! “Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” Lamentations 3:23

11 thoughts on “What’s this all about……”

  1. Beautifully written! Can’t wait to read more. You have so much wisdom and heart and I love that I can call you friend. Thanks for making us all softer! 😉


  2. Wow!!!! I LOVE IT ALL! I am so proud of you. The Lord has blessed you with such a gift. You are an excellent writer and I can’t wait to read more! To God be the glory!!!


  3. I feel so identified already! God bless your blog and bring much love and comfort to the women reading the posts. ” Those who sow with tears will reap with shouts of joy” Love you Gretchen! 🙂


  4. Girl! I love you so much. You know you are my “soul mom” LOL I am so proud of you for starting this and truly look forward to reading more!! I know the Lord is going to give you so much wisdom that I personally need to hear but even for so many other moms. Thank you for being obedient to the Lords calling on your life with this blog. Because of your obedience, transparency, love and courage, you are going to bless so many and encourage so many!!!! Praise God! I love you!!


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